Some Rough Demos of some of the Soundtrack Songs Being Developed for Book One: Journey Into Darkness...
AU-ROYALIA* ( here the music in the video below)
Ah! Beautiful Au-Royalia, the capital city of fair and peaceful Phylantagia!
The City of Gold, where the good King Ardureus, the beautiful Princess Aureaelle, and the other Royalty seek to bear the sorrows of every happy citizen fortunate enough to live there. Au-Royalia, where the underground Royal Crypt contains the three Sacred Scrypts, where the wyrkman still work their holy maJic*. Home of Thauntaylius and his Twelve. Home of Caedmon, and Haeryck, and King Ardureus's Council of Nine. This is one of the songs for the soundtrack to accompany my Christian fantasy novel, "JOURNEY INTO DARKNESS" which is the first book in my new "Canticles of Au-Royalia" Trilogy. The recording below is just a rough demo, but it gives you the idea. You can read the lyrics at right, as you listen, to get a better feel for the hymn. * [pronounced Ah-roy-AYE-lee-uh] |
Au-Royalia, Au-Royalia, City of Gold, my Au-Royalia,
Where loving hearts are true, your light will ever rise; By virtue daily new, beheld through loving eyes, So will your ways of love shine forth beyond the skies-- My Au-Royalia, my Au-Royalia. When men of peace the father’s holy love embrace Then will these lower worlds reflect the grace, The faythe, the courage of, the higher ways of love... Au-Royalia, Au-Royalia, City of Light, my Au-Royalia, Beside the shining sea, I seek the golden shore, Where men and maidens free the ways of truth adore; My heart has longed for you, and longs forevermore-- My Au-Royalia, my Au-Royalia. From hearts of faythe, enfilled with radiant courage bright Shines forth across the seas, the mountain’s height, Vineyards, and orchard lands, goodness from loving hands, Au-Royalia, Au-Royalia, City of Love, my Au-Royalia, Beneath the smiling sun, the whisp’ring crystal blue, I see your glories won, in ev’ry heart so true And when my journeyings are done, I come to you-- My Au-Royalia, my Au-Royalia. _______________________________ Lyrics and Music by Stanley K. Brubaker United States and International © 2012 by Brooksong, LLC Michigan, USA Here's the link to my book Journey Into Darkness on Amazon, where it is available as an ebook for Kindle. |